Harris Rainham Sixth Form



At the heart of Harris Rainham Sixth Form are our values. These values will be found at the core of all we do. 

We believe our staff and students are involved in the pursuit of knowledge to benefit their lives and the lives of others. This mission comes alive in our values – curiosity, compassion and commitment.


We view the world as a place of intrigue and wonder.  We seek to understand the world around us and the people within it. As a result we engage in rich and meaningful discussion with others and especially those who see the world differently to us. Curiosity can be found in the foundations of our actions, our empathy and our dreams.  It is our curiosity that fights ignorance and searches for truth and reality. 

"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”  Albert Einstein


We know that our compassion for others is at the heart of our humanity.  We recognise that true meaning and purpose can be found in the difference we make in the lives of others no matter how small that may seem. We understand that to flourish and succeed we need others and they need us. Our shared humanity and compassion is at the heart of our community

“Compassion is at the heart of every little thing we do. It is the dearest quality we possess. Yet all too often it can be cast aside with consequences too tragic to speak of. To lose our compassion, we lose what it is to be human.” – Anonymous


We recognise that passion and desire without commitment is meaningless. It is our commitment, dedication and hard work that ensure we are successful. We know that to be our best and achieve great things we have to be willing to work hard when others won’t, to be disciplined and acknowledge that excellence is a result of the habits we form and to continue to move forward when faced with challenges and obstacles.  Without commitment there are simply empty words and hollow promises. 

“Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality.” Abraham Lincoln