Our Performance

% rated ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted

  Harris Federation National
Overall 70 19
Primary 79 16
Secondary 65 20



% Year 6 pupils meeting expected standards in reading, writing and maths

  Harris Federation National
Overall 72 59
Disadvantaged pupils 65 43
Special education needs 26 18
English as an additional language  78 60



Progress 8

  Harris Federation National
Overall +0.39 -0.03
Disadvantaged pupils +0.07 -0.55
Special education needs -0.18 -0.62*
English as an additional language  +0.86 0.58

*2019, as none provided for 2022 


  Harris Federation National
% achieving Level 4 45 15
% achieving Level 5 32 11


English and Maths Harris Federation National
% achieving Level 4 74 65
% achieving Level 5 54 50



Sixth Form Destinations

  Harris Federation National
% going to university 79 37
% going to Russell Group universities 24 12

Number of places at Oxford and Cambridge

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
26 34 52 44 49


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